Fossils and ornithology/h2>


Most of the fossils have been collected from the area, some were in the original walls of the house.

Heart-shaped sea urchins abound (micraster….).

Giant mussels and oysters form the rocks on which our village is built.


Nesting boxes

Around the perimeter of the walls of the house there are several nesting boxes to encourage birds and bats. We have three types of boxes:

1.- Brick nests for black redstart or white wagtail, blue tit, swift and bats. The nests have a door so that the chicks can be ringed.

2.- Nest-concrete wall recessed for swifts and rear part adapted for bats.

Another concrete nest, circular in shape and suspended from the wall, with a 30 mm entrance hole for a Great Tit.

3.- Natural hollows. On all walls except the main façade, several natural hollows between stones have been maintained for use by birds, such as the black redstart, which has used several hollows since 2006.

In addition, several pairs of starlings, sparrows and swifts breed on the roof.